December 11, 2011

Youll Be a Gonorrhoea if You're Looking For Love

Science is a strange thing especially when it comes to research. I say that because surely when you do research or experiments there should be a purpose. The experiments that the Institute of Cytology and Genetics in Novosibirsk, Russia have been doing (that I’ve heard about anyway) is about infectious disease and odour.

Yeah, that’s right; do you smell like shit if you have an STD?

And the answer is………..Yes you do.

I thought about leaving this blog at that but that wouldn’t be much fun without the science bit would it?

34 male Russians donated armpit sweat (I’m being serious here) and some spit too. Now, 13 of them had gonorrhoea and 16 were healthy and the remaining 5 had had gonorrhoea but had been treated.

Then some how Mikhail Moshkin, the professor at the Institute got a hold of 18 women willing to do the sniff test.

The girls described 50% of the infected men’s sweat as putrid, which doesn’t seem that definitive to me when they reckoned that 40% of the men who used to have gonorrhoea and 30% of the uninfected lot as having had putrid sweat also.

I’m not sure how the professionals would have summarised their findings but rest assured it’s probably in a way more descriptive manner than I will.

So, here goes, if you meet a man who smells particularly rank to you, don’t shag them, chaperone them to the doctor for a check up instead.